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CCleaner Portable

Following the installation on a USB key I launched the 2 versions and I was very surprised to find that the portable version had given bcp more details on the files to delete than the Pro version of m...

CCleaner Portable

Download Zip:

This portable version does create some necessary keys in Windows Registry, but these are deleted when the program is closed, so there will be no trace of it left on the system, as well. Regarding its functions, it does a highly satisfactory job just like its original program. It's a software solution that helps you get rid of many different files such as Internet cookies, temporary files, log files, or all those leftovers found after months of installing and uninstalling applications.

CCleaner Portable is the normal CCleaner program, but it doesn't require installing. It can be used on flash drives, CD's, DVD's, or other portable media. Although it doesn't install any files, it does write some required settings to the Registry. However, once you close CCleaner, these Registry settings are removed and it will be like it never existed on your PC.

There again, as far as I am aware Portable would always do that if you updated from within CCleaner Portable itself.It could be a bigger problem now if you left Automatic Updated ticked in the portable so that it did it itself rather than just prompting you.

I don't want the Emergency Updater running on my system, and that is the main reason I switched from the installed version of CCleaner to the portable build a few years ago. It's also a complete waste of system resources to have this CCleaner Update task running and failing multiple times a day on my system.

I have no problem continuing to update my CCleaner Portable by unzipping the files and manually replacing older file versions, but perhaps Avast / Piriform needs to change something so that Portable CCleaner users who have the portable.dat file in the same folder as as CCleaner.exe and/or CCleaner64.exe files either can't update automatically or can't add the Emergency Updater (i.e., can't download CCUpdate.exe and add the the CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler). Perhaps the time has comes so that the CCleaner.exe and CCleaner64.exe files inside are modified (i.e., are slightly different from the executables in the Standard and Slim builds) so that the built-in software updater isn't included in the CCleaner Portable executables.-------------64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620

As I said Portable is exactly the same as CCleaner Free.It isn't a 'special' version, it's the same programme just not installed. (So it doesn't put in the installation stuff like registry entries and the emergency updater).To make changes specifically to apply only to a portable version would mean creating a whole new version.

Thanks to the Forum Mods for their suggested workarounds, but I think we've already established that I can delete the unwanted Emergency Updater (i.e., the CCUpdate.exe file and scheduled CCleaner Update task) or just stay with my previous method of updating to a new version of CCleaner Portable by unzipping the file from and replacing all the older files except ccleaner.ini.

I don't know if it's relevant, but I never used CCleaner Portable v5.74 because there were multiple bugs reported for that version, and I skipped from v5.73 (rel. 26-Oct-2020) to v5.75 (rel. 10-Dec-2020) (note that I unzipped on 11-Dec-2020 in a new folder on my USB stick and started with a fresh ccleaner.ini file). That might be the reason why I've never seen this prompt before.

Portable programs that can auto-update or even notify is in a very grey area, most don't bother because it's an offense that more-or-less breaks the rules of being "portable". It's also a big no-no if a portable creates anything in C:\AppData or C:\ProgramData or the registry (unless it reliably auto-deletes the registry data it creates when exiting). So creating a Scheduled Task would put CC "Portable" on the list of doing a big no-no. Edit: Sometimes program developers seem to confuse Portable vs Standalone.

I solely use portable programs if one is available and have a small handful that can notify there's an updated version (usually that's a no-no), I always turn that off in them if it's enabled. The one exception is Firefox Portable ESR, I like that it can update itself instead of waiting for to release an .exe file that's near 100mb, and it's a significantly smaller download.

Portable programs that can auto-update or even notify is in a very grey area, most don't bother because it's an offense that more-or-less breaks the rules of being "portable". It's also a big no-no if a portable creates anything in C:\AppData or C:\ProgramData or the registry (unless it reliably auto-deletes the registry data it creates when exiting). So creating a Scheduled Task would put CC "Portable" on the list of doing a big no-no. ...

... (note that I unzipped on 11-Dec-2020 in a new folder on my USB stick and started with a fresh ccleaner.ini file). That might be the reason why I've never seen this prompt before....

I noted on 21-Jan-2021 that "my settings at Options Updates to 'Keep CCleaner updated automatically' and 'Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner' are normally disabled") and I thought I had disabled all the settings at Options Updates and Options Privacy after creating the fresh ccleaner.ini file for CCleaner Portable v5.75, but I obviously missed disabling "Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner". That setting has been disable now and I'm hoping I won't see the pop-up notification offering an update the next time a new version of CCleaner is released.-------------64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620

It has always been the case that if you updated CCleaner from within the portable it would install the new version.I'm not sure if the 'new version' notification was on or off by default previously, I'd have to check that. EDIT- It was on by default, see my next post.

In that respect then as Andavari notes CCleaner Portable is not a 'true' portable version, it is merely the basic programme files packaged as a zip so that you can unzip them onto your computer, or on a USB stick, without installing anything.In that respect it's a simple way for developers to make available a programme so that it can be used without installing it, but it is the standard programme not anything special and so will behave exactly the same as the standard programme does.If using it you need to be aware of that and not use certain features such as 'Check for Updates' etc.

I do note that as things currently stand Automatic Updates and Update Notifications will now be enabled by default each time you unzip a new version of the portable (unless you have a .INI file where you unzip them to modify that) and you will now have to remember to disable Automatic Updates each time you unzip a new portable.

To do some testing I've just unzipped/run the v5.62 portable and the notifications for product updates were enabled by default even back then....Is it that you saw which prompted you to update from within CCleaner and thus do an install?

In case it wasn't already covered higher up in this thread, just a reminder that there is no separate "regular", "slim" or "portable" version of CCleaner. Those terms apply to the installer wrapper (or lack thereof) around CCleaner Free.

CCleaner Free's own internal updating process can be configured via Options > Updates in CCleaner 5.50 and above. For someone using CCleaner in a portable fashion off a USB stick where storing settings in the registry aren't going to be appropriate between different machines, Options > Advanced > Save all setting to INI file should do the trick to ensure that your preferences regarding notifications and update delivery remain persistent.

We'll take a look at the use case of updates of CCleaner Free on portable media. In the interim, you may find that unchecking those update boxes and manually downloading is the best option for you. If you suspect that there are many other CCleaner Portable users with a similar requirement, feel free to add your suggestion to to rustle up some public voting.

I started getting spammed for an Update today in Windows 10. ... Finally checked ccleaner.ini and found UpdateAuto=1 by some sort of magic. I always check for UpdateAuto=0 & UpdateCheck=0 & UpdateBackground=0 & UpdateNotify=0. There is another entry, UpdateKey=01/01/2020 01:02:03 am which seems harmless = last time it spammed me. For those who are unaware, CC secretly hides from us: CookiesToSave= ... * Message to Avast: I paid real money to buy CCleaner for multiple computers and really don't like any form of spam. Since I have paid, I do get an EMAIL about once a month, notifying me of an Update, which is FINE. Getting spammed with a nag popup is NOT. Maybe for Freebie users, a popup is part of the price they pay for "free". BTW, there is nothing wrong with saving an Avast cookie as long as you disclose it to people. Hiding tracking cookies is immoral, unethgical, and ought to be illegal. Got it? Otherwise, still actively using CCleaner.

I found a site that seems to have all the older CCleaner Portable versions up to the latest. All the versions seem to have been added on 23 Jan 2014... if you click on the Info tab, so it's been less than a month for them to all be available in one place ... if you had been looking for some older portable versions for XP, 2000 or any other OS ... enjoy! 041b061a72



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