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Spanish Wordlist Wpa2 !EXCLUSIVE!

A Pentester is as good as their tools and when it comes to cracking the password, stressing authentication panels or even a simple directory Bruteforce it all drills down to the wordlists that you use. Today we are going to understand wordlists, look around for some good wordlists, run some tools to manage the wordlists, and much more.

Spanish Wordlist Wpa2

Ever since the evolution of Penetration Testers has begun, one of the things we constantly see is that the attacker cracks the password of the target and gets in! Well in most of the depictions of the attacks in movies and series often show this situation in detail as it is the simplest attack to depict. No matter how simple cracking passwords or performing Credential Stuffing were once a bane on the Web Applications. Today we somehow have got a bit of control over them with the use of CAPTCHA or Rate Limiting but still, they are one of the effective attacks. The soul of such attacks is the wordlist.

Wordlists are located inside the /usr/share directory. Here, we have the dirb directory for the wordlists to be used while using the dirb tool to perform Directory Bruteforce. Then we have the dirbuster that is a similar tool that also performs Directory Bruteforce but with some additional options. Then we have a fern-wifi directory which helps to break the Wi-Fi Authentications. Then we have the Metasploit which uses wordlists for almost everything. Then there is a nmap wordlist that contains that can be used while scanning some specific services. Then we have the Rockstar of Wordlists: rockyou. This is compressed by default and you will have to extract it before using it. It is very large with 1,44,42,062 values that could be passwords for a lot of user accounts on the internet. At last, we have the wfuzz directory that has the wordlists that can be used clubbed with wfuzz.

To take a closer look at one of the directories, we use the tree command to list all the wordlists inside the dirb directory. Here we have different wordlists that differ in size and languages. There is an extensions wordlist too so that the attacker can use that directory to perform a Directory Bruteforce. There are some application-specific wordlists such as apache.txt or sharepoint.txt as well.

Wfuzz tool was developed to perform Bruteforcing attacks on web applications. It can further be used to enumerate web applications as well. It can enumerate directories, files, and scripts, etc. It can change the request from GET to POST as well. That is helpful in a bunch of scenarios such as checking for SQL Injections. It comes with a set of predefined wordlists. These wordlists are designed to be used with wfuzz but they can be used anywhere you desire. The wordlists are divided into categories such as general, Injections, stress, vulns, web services, and others.

Looking into the Injections directory we see that we have an All_attack.txt that is a pretty generic wordlist for testing injections. Then we have a specific one for SQL, Directory Traversal, XML, XSS injections. Moving onto the general directory, we see that we have the big.txt that we discussed in the Dirb section. We have common.txt that also is the default wordlist in many tools due to its small size. Then we have the extensions_common.txt which contains like 25-ish extensions that might be enumerated some files that can be considered low-hanging fruits. Then we have the http_methods.txt wordlist. It contains the HTTP Methods such as POST, GET, PUT, etc. They can be used while testing if the target application has any misconfigured methods enabled or they forgot to disable them at the application and server level. mutations_common.txt also contains a bunch of uncommon extensions that could lead to the enumerations of rare artifacts.

Seclists are a collection of multiple types of wordlists that can be used during Penetration Testing or Vulnerability Assessment, all collected in one place. These wordlists can contain usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, etc. To install on Kali Linux, we will use the apt command followed by the Seclists as shown in the image below.

The installation will create a directory by the name of Seclists inside the /usr/share location. Going through we can see the different categories of wordlists such as Discovery, Fuzzing, IOCs, Misc, Passwords, Pattern Matching, Payloads, Usernames, and Web-Shells.

The Assetnode Wordlist releases a specially curated wordlist for a whole wide range of areas such as the subdomain discovery or special artifacts discovery. The best part is that it gets updated on the 28th of Each month as per their website. This is the next best thing that was released ever since the Seclists. To download all wordlists at once anybody can use the following wget command.

Packet Storm Security is an information security website that offers current and historical computer security tools, exploits, and security advisories. It is operated by a group of security enthusiasts that publish new security information and offer tools for educational and testing purposes. But much to our surprise, it also publishes wordlists. Any user that has crafter some specified wordlist can submit their wordlist on their website. So, if you are looking for a unique wordlist be sure to check it out.

Till now we saw multiple wordlists that contain thousands and thousands of entries inside them. Now during penetration testing on your vulnerable server or any CTF, it is possibly fine as they are designed to handle this kind of bruteforce but when we come to the real-life scenario things get a little complicated. As in real life, no development team or owner is going to permit you to perform a thousand after thousand wordlist bruteforce. This can hamper its quality of service to other customers. So, we should decrease the wordlist entries. I know it sounds counterproductive but it is not. The wordlists might contain some payloads that might be exceeding 100 characters or even be too specific for them to extract anything directly. Then we do have some payloads that are the way to similar to each other that if we replace any one of them, the result remains the same. Jon Barber created a script that can remove noisy charters such as ! ( , %. Furthermore, tidy the wordlist so that it can be more effective.

CeWL is a Ruby application that spiders a given URL to a specified depth, optionally following external links, and returns a list of words that can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper. CeWL also has an associated command-line app, FAB (Files Already Bagged) which uses the same metadata extraction techniques to create author/creator lists from already downloaded. Here we are running CeWL against the tart URL and saving the output into a wordlist by the name of dict.txt.

Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations. Here, we used crunch to craft a wordlist with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 characters and writing the output inside a wordlist by the name of dict.txt.

A weak password might be very short or only use alphanumeric characters, making decryption simple. A weak password can also be easily guessed by someone profiling the user, such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money, or password. This is where Cupp comes into use as it can be used in situations like legal penetration tests or forensic crime investigations. Here, we are creating a wordlist that is specific for a person named Raj. We enter the details and upon submission, we have a wordlist that is generated especially for this user.

Pydictor is one of those tools that both novices and pro can appreciate. It is a dictionary-building tool that is great to have in your arsenal when dealing with password strength tests. The tool offers a plethora of features that can be used to create that perfect dictionary for pretty much any kind of testing situation. Here, we defined the base and length as 5 and then create a wordlist. The wordlist contains the numeric up to 5 digits.

Bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists for targeted attacks. It is part of Black Arch Linux for as long as we can remember. It introduces personal information related to the target and combines every word and transforms it into possible passwords. It also contains a lyric pass module which allows it to search lyrics related to the favourite artist of the target and then include them into the wordlists.

It is a GUI tool for crafting custom wordlists. It uses common human paradigms for creating password-based wordlists. It can craft the full wordlist with passwords but it can also create rules compatible to be cracked with Hashcat and John the Ripper.

For offline cracking, there are times where the full wordlist is too large to output as a whole. In this case, it makes sense to output to rules so that Hashcat or John can programmatically generate the full wordlist. Download the release from GitHub.

The point that we are trying to convey through this article is that wordlist is one of the most important assets a penetration tester can have. There are multiple resources to get a wordlist and multiple tools to craft a wordlist of your own. We wanted this article to serve as your go-to guide whenever you are trying to learn or use a wordlist or any of the tools to craft a wordlist.

The name CoWPAtty itself has WPA in uppercase and rest in small letters. It is a Linux based tool that can perform attacks in the pre-shared keys for WPA networks. The tool has a command-line interface and is able to perform dictionary attacks on the wireless networks using a wordlist file. The execution is slow due to the usage of SHA 1 with a seed of SSID but you can still give it a try.

There are many wireless hacking tools available in the market, 15 of which we have discussed in this article. It is to be noted that the tools are discussed in random order and not in any form of priority or superiority over the other. The tools discussed here are not only designed for wireless hackers but are also used by WiFi admins and programmers working on WiFi-based projects alike. These tools can either be used for monitoring the network or cracking the keys to getting access. You may need to use multiple tools to get the desired output as none of the tools would fulfil all the requirements. As a wireless hacker or security professional, you should have some of these tools in your arsenal readily available for quick analysis. Some of the tools perform brute force to crack the keys, make sure that you have an updated master key dump or make a customized list from your experience. A WiFi hacker will always have a customized list prepared by collecting various lists. The hacking program will only be as good as the wordlist itself.



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